Invest in our students and New York’s future workforce!
Dear Legislator:
As a constituent who cares deeply about public education, I urge you to pass S.528 (Mayer)/A.3430 (Conrad), which will maintain and expand high-quality BOCES programs and other educational programs that are funded through Special Services Aid and Career and Technical Education (CTE).
BOCES allow school districts to combine their resources to create cost efficiencies and provide students the education to which they are entitled. Rural school districts often see the greatest benefit from the economies of scale that BOCES provide.
CTE programs in BOCES, the Big Five school districts (New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers) and non-component districts (districts that have chosen to not be a member of BOCES) provide a learning environment that can lead to a rigorous career-aligned learning experience. Students who graduate from these programs are prepared to pursue a four-year college degree or immediately enter the workforce. These programs must remain current and relevant as workforce and economic trends change and businesses continue to demand skilled, knowledgeable and prepared workers.
The current aid formula for BOCES programs, and those funded via Special Services Aid, including CTE has not changed since the early1990's, and the state must update these formulas. Special services aid for Big Five school districts and other non-component districts is capped, and this funding excludes students in ninth grade. All these factors have the effect of reducing state support for CTE programs and shifting the costs of these vital programs to local schools, resulting in the underinvestment of high-quality programs that provide students with the skills employer's demand. This outdated funding formula negatively affects BOCES programs by limiting their ability to hire and retain qualified instructors with necessary specialized skills. This has created significant financial constraints that limit the availability and create long waitlists for these crucial programs. S.528/A.3430 addresses these formulas, and adds ninth grade, to ensure appropriate support for these vital programs that prepare our students to join the 21st Century workforce.
Accordingly, I call on you to pass S.528/A.3430 and include these provisions in both your one-house budget proposal and the enacted budget, to maintain and expand access to high-quality programs such as CTE and include ninth grade in special services aid funding.
Thank you for your consideration of these important issues. I respectfully ask that you bring up these issues with your conference and I would greatly appreciate a response to this email.